Хэллоуин (Halloween) — старейший праздник англоязычного мира, уступающий по популярности только Рождеству.
Отношение населения к ежегодному событию неоднозначно. Часть людей считает его прекрасным способом развлечься и повеселиться, некоторые воспринимают его как время суеверий и всяческой чертовщины.
I want to offer you a short Halloween quiz
I’ll present you with some true and some false facts about Halloween. You should guess which ones are real, and which ones aren’t.
The original symbol of Halloween was a turnip, not a pumpkin.
The word “Halloween” literally means “the Day of All Witches”.
Some people are terrified of Halloween, and there is even a name for that phobia: samhainophobia.
When you go trick or treating, traditionally you have to bring a black cat with you.
Teens and older kids will have to pay a fine if they go trick-or-treating.
In the US they spend nearly 4 million dollars on Halloween preparations.
The heaviest pumpkin featured on Halloween weighed 1,446 pounds (655,895 kg).
This year on Halloween night it is going to be a full moon.